Tuesday, September 22, 2009

living in santiago

how the urban life is?

The only urban life that I know is of santiago wich is the capital of Chile, so it has an overpopulation.
To be honest that is why I do not like santiago.
For example the subway and the buses are always crowded among other things.
On top of that, Santiago is a very noisy city and, you could hear it everywhere.

Santiago has many green areas but there are not enought of them. Some neighborhood does not have at least one square. Unfortunately some squares has turned into local garbage dumps.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a good therapy for me:

the musictherapy is a tecnic wich use many ways of music.
This therapy use stimulate and receptive music that the pacient like. It alternative medicine was born in paris in the year 1974.

the therapy is based on the thought that every song has a different meaning for everyone.
As we know a song could be sad for me and happy for others .

A person asociate the music that he/she listen with how his/her feel. So the music therapy use our feeling through differents kinds of music to recover or to reduce diverse problems of health. Most of the prblems are inside of our minds.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

your side my side and the truth

I totally agree.
In the movie we can see those theree ways related to the palestian conflict and the differents ways of their true.
I also think that the three sides have always exisited. No matter why, where or when.This three sides often appears on problems or argues.It is very common saw people fighting on T.V or in the street. I think this still happen because there are people who don't listen to the others.

Some people only seen his/her point of wiew and, belives that this one is the real true.
I think that the best way to find out the true is listening both sides.Afterwards you can mix both sides , and make your own opinion about it.

Unfortunely some people don't see the true as a good way. Some people only lay as a way to avoid the punishment.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the quechuas

Quechua is famous for being the language of the Inca Empire of Peru. In truth, however, there is no single Quechua language--instead there is what linguists called a dialect chain across most of Western South America, in which speakers of one Quechua language can understand the languages spoken by their immediate neighbors, but not a language further from them. So, for example, a speaker of South Bolivian Quechua may understand North Bolivian Quechua, but not any of the Quechua varieties spoken in Peru; the North Bolivian Quechua speaker would not be able to understand Argentinian Quechua, and neither of them could understand Ecuadorian Quichua. There are as many as forty such Quechuan languages spoken natively by a combined seven million Indian people in South America.
As a complement to our Quechua language information, here is our collection of indexed links about the Quechua tribe and their society. Please note that Quechuas and other American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Quechua history is interesting and important, but the Quechua Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday.