Tuesday, September 22, 2009

living in santiago

how the urban life is?

The only urban life that I know is of santiago wich is the capital of Chile, so it has an overpopulation.
To be honest that is why I do not like santiago.
For example the subway and the buses are always crowded among other things.
On top of that, Santiago is a very noisy city and, you could hear it everywhere.

Santiago has many green areas but there are not enought of them. Some neighborhood does not have at least one square. Unfortunately some squares has turned into local garbage dumps.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a good therapy for me:

the musictherapy is a tecnic wich use many ways of music.
This therapy use stimulate and receptive music that the pacient like. It alternative medicine was born in paris in the year 1974.

the therapy is based on the thought that every song has a different meaning for everyone.
As we know a song could be sad for me and happy for others .

A person asociate the music that he/she listen with how his/her feel. So the music therapy use our feeling through differents kinds of music to recover or to reduce diverse problems of health. Most of the prblems are inside of our minds.